Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 1(1)

Discussion 1(1)

Q Complete the 6.2 Leadership Skills Questionnaire. Based on what you know about yourself and the scores you received on the Leadership Skills Questionnaire in the three areas (i.e., administrative, interpersonal, and conceptual), how would you describe your leadership skills? Which specific skills are your strongest, and which are your weakest? What impact do you think your leadership skills could have on your role as a leader? Explain.

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Hello, professor and all my classmates! I have not occupied the position of a leader yet but I have a dream to achieve the position of a leader in a successful leader. After going through the questionnaire, I have found that I am good at interpersonal skills but administrative skills need improvement. I can assure one thing that there will not be any sort of communication gap during my leadership. I have identified that my interpersonal and conceptual scores are really good. However, administrative skills deserve improvement. Problem solving skills, decision making skills, conflict management skills are some of the improvement areas of my leadership skills. I may face difficulty with conflict